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deweycooter View Drop Down

Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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  Quote deweycooter Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14 Dec 2007 at 10:30am
1)  Don't do that.  ;)

2)  I had asked Michael about the CPU being pegged a while back:  "CPU at 100% is ok.  I've kept the timing loop really tight for maximum accuracy.  The program will still multitask ok... it is just taking whatever is available."  I imagine a sleep cycle could be put in the looping part of the code if you're looking for a quieter machine.

3)  I've seen missing events as well.  But I haven't fired up Spectrum to see if it's repeatable.  One of the primary events that bigs the heck out of me is concurrent ramps.  On an ACx8, I have one channel ramping up while another ramps down, then the swap - one down while the other up.  Each ramp is about 1.5 sec long.  Instead of ramping, I get channel A on for 1.5 seconds with ch B off, then channel B on for 1.5 seconds with A off.

Another type of event that I see fairly regularly - I have 3 mega trees with 7 channels each.  When making the individual channels dance, my ACx8 trees do fine.  But the 3rd is on a ACx16.  I need to flash from v1.12 to v1.13 first...hopefully that will get it knocked out.
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Comporder1 View Drop Down

Joined: 11 Dec 2007
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  Quote Comporder1 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14 Dec 2007 at 8:58am
I had time yesterday to make "The Switch"! And ran my show last night using Aurora for the first time. I had a few problems:
1) I am not sure if this is a application problem or a USB driver issue (it happened with d-light as well) - If I remove the USB adaptor before I close the scheduler, I get a BSOD when I do close the app. The blue screen references something about USB and IRQ (sorry for not being specific, I could write it down for you if you are interested) and then dumps the memory.
2) I am a little concerned with the CPU usage during the show. It pegs at 100% non-stop. I belive I read somewhere that this is normal and does not indicate insuffecient hardware. I hope that is the case. I actually run the show with a Pentium M 1.6GHz laptop. The fan on it runs full blast non-stop for the entire show. I am afraid it will "take off"! Big%20smile
3) My biggest issue is in a few instances I noticed Aurora is not actually outputing what is sequenced! I first noticed it when in one of my sequences I programmed about a .5 second fade in followed by a 2 second fade out on all (16 total) but 2 channels. The lights faded in properly then immediatly turned off followed by another on pulse near the end of where the fade out should end. I confirmed this many times. I even went in and reprogrammed all of the events in that area and removed unnecessary intervals. It happens with both the scheduler and the sequencer. I would be happy to submit the file for review if desired.
Over all I am happy with the performance of Aurora. I am expecially pleased with the almost nonexistant delay between songs! I look forward to V1 release!
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